Teller Report

Triplet of Immobile, Lazio conquered Verona 5-1. Roma locks fifth place

7/26/2020, 7:58:12 PM

At the yellow-blue 'Bentegodi' forward with the penalty of Amrabat, then the very white and blue poker that is worth the link in third place. The Giallorossi beat Fiorentina 2-1, 1-1 of the grenade at Spal, Udinese take Cagliari 1-0


26 July 2020Pokerissimo of Lazio in Verona, with a hat trick by Immobile. The 5-1 brings the biancocelesti back to third place with the connection to Atalanta. The other half of Rome also smiles: the Giallorossi beat Fiorentina 2-1 between the walls and create a safe distance for the fifth place (which is worth the Europa League without preliminaries). Equal for Torino in Ferrara, 1-1 that sanctions the mathematical salvation for the grenades. Udinese take Cagliari 1-0 in a match between two teams that have nothing left to ask for in the championship.

At the 'Bentegodi' Juric presents a revised Verona, Inzaghi gives confidence to Anderson on the left and attacks with Correa and Immobile. Summer rhythm, the game is unlocked in the end of the first half. At 39 'ingenuity of Luiz Felipe who hooks Zaccagni, Amrabat goes from the spot and is not wrong. Not even a mistake is made by Immobile in the 6th minute of recovery: the penalty is granted after a long overhaul of Var for a touch of Lazovic's hand in a carambola with the same Immobile. Pyrotechnic shooting start with occasion for Acerbi (head, beside a puff) and double own goal touched by Luiz Felipe (in the first case it hits the post by deflecting the diagonal of Lazovic). This leads to the 56 ': free-kick from 25 meters of Milinkovic-Savic, Pessina deflects with his back and Radunovic is beaten. Correa makes a triumph at 62 'on corner action development. Bravissimo Strakosha who instinctively rejects Salcedo's close header. In the final Lazio fell poker with Immobile, right placed in the corner opposite the 83 '. Which also makes a hat-trick in the 94th minute by procuring (imperious sprint and Radunovic's foul in low output) and transforming the second penalty. For him now the league goals are 34.

Last season for Roma at the Olimpico. Fonseca confirms the 3-4-2-1 which has given excellent results in the last games. Mkhitaryan and Pellegrini behind Dzeko. Iachini with 3-5-2. Church in left wing and attack with Kouame and Ribery. Very few emotions until the necessary cooling break, then the teams begin to do something more. Roma pass right at 45 ', with Veretout (an ex) who transforms the penalty provoked by Lirola on Bruno Peres. In recovery there is the pole of Pezzella. The purple equal came in the 54th minute when Milenkovic crowned Pulgar's corner. Ten minutes later, a beautiful initiative by Mkhitaryan who jumps two and concludes, Terracciano, helped by the pole, avoids capitulating. Another yellow and red pole with Kolarov, but a minute later the second penalty for Roma arrives: Terracciano overwhelms Dzeko who had kicked to the side from an inviting position (87 '), Veretout scored two from eleven meters.

The salvation of Torino in Ferrara, against a Spal already abundantly demoted, comes with a little effort. First time in slow motion, the grenades wake up in the second half. Verdi's pole (with Belotti's subsequent mistake) which then hits the center with an excellent left-footed shot (57 '). The pace drops and Meité is distracted badly by stealing a bloody ball from Dabo, immediate verticalization for D'Alessandro who equalized (80 '). The point that Longo and his men need is in the cash register. In Cagliari Udinese already knows that they are safe, given the defeat of Lecce in the afternoon match. The Friulians attack the game anyway and pass with Okaka in the 3 '. It will be the game goal, the Sardinians do very little and Musso passes 90 'quietly.