Teller Report

Tik Tok children .. Violation of children's privacy in exchange for harvesting "lakes"

7/26/2020, 8:52:24 PM

A social worker warns against exploiting children through social media to show off their actions, or invest them commercially, with a view to achieving financial profits or harvesting likes (likes) and increasing the number of followers. This type of activities is popular with the program "Tik Tok", which is used

A social worker warns against exploiting children on social media to show off their actions, or to invest in them commercially, with the aim of achieving financial profits or reaping likes (likes) and increasing the number of followers.

This type of activity is very popular with the "Tik Tok" program, which parents use frequently to show their children the images that arouse the curiosity of followers, as they transform them into creatures, violating their privacy and childhood to reap money or fame.

Users of Tik Tok said they noticed how people were pushing their children to enter this world, taking advantage of their childhood to bring in followers. They also noted that, in the videos they publish for their children, they deliberately express phrases that indicate a decline in the level of education.

They pointed out that the program is intended for entertainment by recording or filming videos of no more than 15 seconds.

Parents use the program to display their children's behavior, their childhood reactions, aspects of their personal lives, their activities, and their games inside and outside the home, to reap followers.

The follower has the ability to download the video without the owner’s permission, because there are no restrictions on the program, or laws that prevent the exploitation of children in it, which allows the viewer to republish it widely, if he wants.

And "Emirates Today" monitored videos through the "Tik Tok" program for parents filming their children dancing spontaneously, or imitating celebrities with their childish movements.

Videos depict children's reactions after being bullied with dogs, or wearing scary masks.

There are other videos that show parents practicing bullying of their young, by forcing them to perform dangerous acrobatic movements, or chanting songs containing inappropriate words and phrases.

There are videos in which parents depict the faces of their children and the fear they have after making mistakes inside the home and discovering it.

And the social worker, Yaqoub Al-Hammadi, warned against using children on social media to increase the number of followers, or fame through them, because of this negative impact on the child psychologically and socially.

He explained that violating a child's privacy limits his freedom, teaches him to behave in his behavior and deal with others, and loses him the automaticity of children to act, move and speak.

Show that the child goes through many stages, and each stage of his development has a characteristic that hones his personality. Parents should give space for their children to live their age stages spontaneously, and the way they want, not as their parents wish, pointing to the necessity of accepting the idea of ​​respecting the child’s privacy and not being involved in the world of social communication, whether positively or negatively.

He added that the mission of parents is to show their children's talents beautifully, with their spontaneity, and not to exploit them for self-interest.

He cautioned against forcing children to do things they do not want, such as imitating other people's movements, singing, photographing and posting videos to the diary for show.

negative effect

The Child Protection Department of the Department of Social Services in Sharjah confirmed that the exploitation of children by parents through social networks threatens the psychological and social stability of the child, and exposes him to bullying, abuse or extortion from his peers or followers.

She showed that some parents publish their children's pictures through social media platforms in order to advertise something or market a product, or to highlight their children's special abilities, which negatively affects the psyche of children, especially in the event of repetition, and keep pressure on them.

Videos showing parents forcing their young to perform dangerous acrobatic movements

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