Teller Report

The White Army leads the medical profession in Al-Aqsa Courts

7/26/2020, 6:46:24 PM

Graduates of the Faculty of Medicine at Al-Quds University Abu Dis divided the medical profession from the courtyards of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque. Video clips documented, dozens of students gathered in front of the Dome of the Rock amphitheater, and the oath taking the oath to the profession.

Graduates of the Faculty of Medicine at Al-Quds University Abu Dis divided the medical profession from the courtyards of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque. Video clips documented, dozens of students gathered in front of the Dome of the Rock amphitheater, and the oath taking the oath to the profession.

The director of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Omar Al-Kiswani, said that taking the oath from the Al-Aqsa to protect the human soul and the human spirit is a message to the world that we are a people who sanctify life, and we love to present to humanity whatever the circumstances.

Collectively swearing in from Al-Aqsa is a special sight, especially in light of the difficult health conditions facing the Holy City, and the continuous rise in the number of cases of the Corona epidemic.

The first medical batch that graduated from Al-Quds University in 2000 initiated the medical department within Al-Aqsa, and since then the batches of medical school graduates have continued to adhere to this year for 20 years, because of the importance of the Holy Mosque for them.

The medical department is considered one of the most important milestones in the doctor’s career, as he performs before practicing the profession, pledging before God a set of moral obligations that link his relationship with his patients and colleagues.