Teller Report

Trip to Rotterdam

7/25/2020, 2:34:34 PM

For the venerable critic Adriano Aprà, the Viaggio to Italy that Roberto Rossellini premiered in 1954 is the proof of a theorem about the relationship between two types of culture. Re

For the venerable critic Adriano Aprà, the Viaggio to Italy that Roberto Rossellini premiered in 1954 is the proof of a theorem about the relationship between two types of culture. Recall that the film tells the story of an English marriage, played by George Sanders and Ingrid Bergman, whose latent crisis manifests itself during a trip to Naples. For Rossellini, an Italian married for years to a Swedish woman, northern societies are characterized by a "sewing culture": forced as they are to protect themselves from the cold, they create fabrics that embrace the skin and limit their movements. They are cold, hard-working societies,

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