Teller Report

The Russian Wrestling Federation will provide assistance to the family of the deceased Ivanitsky

7/25/2020, 11:31:23 AM

President of the Russian Wrestling Federation (FSBR) Mikhail Mamiashvili said that the organization would provide assistance to the family of the deceased 1964 Olympic champion in freestyle wrestling Alexander Ivanitsky.

“Until recently, we hoped for a miracle, but, unfortunately, a real tragedy happened. The FSBR will certainly provide all the necessary assistance, just like CSKA - he represented the Armed Forces for many years, everyone will support the family. Bright memory, the most important thing now is to support loved ones. This is an invaluable loss for his family, wife, son, granddaughters, ”TASS quoted Mamiashvili as saying.

On July 22, 82-year-old Ivanitsky went into the forest to pick mushrooms and never returned. On July 25, he was found dead in the suburbs.

In addition to winning the Olympic Games-1964, Ivanitsky became the world champion in wrestling four times, as well as the winner and medalist of the USSR freestyle wrestling championships and the medalist of the USSR sambo championship.

Earlier it was reported that the missing Olympic champion Ivanitsky was found dead in the suburbs. On July 22, the man went to the forest for mushrooms and did not return.