Teller Report

The increase in asymptomatic infections in Urumqi basically comes from nucleic acid testing, screening and

7/25/2020, 1:49:17 PM

  [Explanation] On July 25, the Information Office of the People’s Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region held the eighth press conference on epidemic prevention and control. Zhang Wei, director of the Urumqi Health Commission, said that with the improvement of nucleic acid testing capabilities and the expansion of the scope, recent Today, Urumqi City reported an increase in asymptomatic i...

  [Explanation] On July 25, the Information Office of the People’s Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region held the eighth press conference on epidemic prevention and control. Zhang Wei, director of the Urumqi Health Commission, said that with the improvement of nucleic acid testing capabilities and the expansion of the scope, recent Today, Urumqi City reported an increase in asymptomatic infections, and these asymptomatic infections were basically detected through the city’s free nucleic acid testing and active screening.

  [Concurrent] Zhang Wei, Director of Urumqi Municipal Health Commission

  In recent days, the number of asymptomatic infections reported in our city has increased. These asymptomatic infections are basically detected through the city's free nucleic acid testing and active screening. After the asymptomatic infections were found, they were reported as soon as required, and were admitted in a centralized manner. People in close contact with them were also brought into medical observation in a timely manner, and the relevant places involved in the epidemic were completely eliminated.

  [Explanation] It is reported that from 0:00 to 24:00 on July 24, 20 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia (9 cases of asymptomatic infection were transferred to confirmed cases) and 38 new cases of asymptomatic infection in Urumqi. As of 24:00 on July 24, Urumqi City has 113 confirmed cases and 114 asymptomatic infections.

  Zhang Wei said that the new coronavirus is highly contagious, spreads fast, has a hidden disease, and is extremely cunning. With the advancement of free nucleic acid testing and flow traceability in the city, cases and asymptomatic infections will be screened out; after the incubation period, Some asymptomatic infections will also turn into confirmed cases. In the critical period of the battle for prevention and control, I hope that the general public will actively support the epidemic prevention and control work, wear masks, wash hands frequently, ventilate frequently, do not get together, protect themselves, and work together to win the epidemic prevention and control battle.

  Reporter Zhao Yamin reports from Urumqi, Xinjiang

Editor in charge: [Wang Sishuo]