Teller Report

Masked dialogues

7/25/2020, 2:34:23 PM

"The decision of the Supreme Court against the freedom of prisoners does not help at all. What do they want? For Puigdemont to win in the next Catalan elections? He must be

"The decision of the Supreme Court against the freedom of prisoners does nothing. What do they want? For Puigdemont to win a landslide in the next Catalan elections? He must be toasting in Waterloo at the moment." These were the first words, after a polite Bon dia that was sent to me by a Barcelona businessman with whom I had met for breakfast in Madrid. Close page, forget about what has happened since 2017, as if it had been (yes) a "reverie", and not a nightmare, it is a wish shared by a large part of Catalan civil society that considers itself non-independent, who thinks that nothing of that can happen again

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