Teller Report

Global interest in volleyball with Burj Khalifa in "Beach Sports Week"

7/25/2020, 10:11:25 PM

The image of the volleyball championship competitions with Burj Khalifa, topped the list of the best pictures of agencies and international press sites, and the photo was taken during the activities of "Beach Sports Week", organized by the Dubai Sports Council on the "Kite Beach" beach, and witnessed wide participation from various nationalities and businesses

The image of the volleyball championship competitions with Burj Khalifa, topped the list of the best pictures of agencies and international press sites, and the photo was taken during the activities of "Beach Sports Week", organized by the Dubai Sports Council on the "Kite Beach" beach, and witnessed wide participation from different nationalities, ages and technical levels.

A press statement from the Dubai Sports Council said: “The Getty Images and the French Press Agency published the picture on the list of Top Shots for the best pictures in the world, and wrote on the image:“ People play during the beach volleyball championship in the Emirate of Dubai, with the appearance of a skyscraper. The Burj Khalifa clouds in the background, after a painful interruption of all activities, lasted four months and ended earlier in the month. Dubai is a safe destination with the resources needed to stave off the coronary virus (Covid-19).

The statement stated: "The most prominent international websites published the image, including the American (Argos Leader) site, the (ABB) and (Detroit Free Des) sites for the United States News Network, the website (America Today), and the (Marion Star) website."

The beach tennis, badminton, and mixed beach volleyball tournaments witnessed, yesterday evening, strong competitions among all the participants, where 10 badminton beach championships competed in 35 games, in five categories, namely: singles and doubles for men, women and mixed, and were available Participation in the championship for all categories of society, including amateurs, professionals, and employees of badminton clubs and academies registered in the Emirates.

16 men's doubles beach volleyball tournament was held, on Friday and Saturday morning.

In the volleyball championship for the mixed and women's category, which was held in a dual and quadruple system, 10 teams participated in the mixed doubles category, and 10 teams participated in the doubles category for women, while nine mixed teams participated in the mixed quadruple category. Men and women, five teams of different nationalities participated in the category of teams.

Six teams of different nationalities and ages participated in the championship, "Foley Foley", which was concluded yesterday, where the tournament was held with a matrimonial system, and Cassiano and Kevin from the AFC sports academy won.

The Dubai Sports Council organized the tournaments, in cooperation with various sports academies, which are: “Super Sport Sports Academy”, “AFC Sports”, “Elite Volleyball”, and “Esperia Volleyball Academy”, in addition to the Emirates Badminton Committee.

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