Teller Report

Corona's case is strange in Vietnam: the patient has not traveled, nor has anyone had any contact with the city

7/25/2020, 11:37:12 AM

Vietnam has confirmed its first local case of the Corona virus in more than three months, as the authorities are trying to determine how the person was infected with the virus, according to Bloomberg News Saturday. The 57-year-old patient was in Danang for more than a month and had not traveled To other provinces

Vietnam has confirmed its first local case of the Corona virus in more than three months, as the authorities are trying to determine how the person was infected with the virus, according to "Bloomberg" news agency on Saturday.
The patient, 57, had been in Danang for more than a month and had not traveled to other provinces, had not had contact with strangers, was primarily in contact with family members and neighbors, and had gone to hospital treatment for a fever and cough.
The Danang Center for Disease Control conducted tests on 105 people, who had contact with the patient and had negative results, while the local health authority conducted tests and a quarantine for those who had close contact with it, which the state TV channel reported that they may be 288 people.
VTV reported that the hospital in Danang, which had 947 patients and medical personnel, was closed.
Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Fuk ordered the authorities to tighten border controls as well as monitor immigrants to prevent foreigners from entering the country illegally, according to a separate statement.
Vietnam had reported 416 cases of coronavirus, and there had been no deaths. 

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