Teller Report

12 new positives for coronavirus in Fuenlabrada, four of them in Madrid

7/25/2020, 9:43:11 AM

Fuenlabrada CF today announced its "pain and concern" for the results of the latest PCR tests to which the staff, coaching staff and management have been subjected, reflecting

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Fuenlabrada CF today announced its "pain and concern" for the results of the latest PCR tests to which the staff, technical staff and management have undergone, reflecting twelve new cases, four of them in Madrid, for a total of 28.

The Madrid club has also mentioned that the Madrid cases "had no contact since the match against Elche on July 17." "The other eight new cases have been negative since Saturday 18 and, after eight days and despite being isolated in their rooms for the last six days, today the results have been positive," the statement said.

Of those twelve new cases, the Fuenlabrada has explained that there are two people with antibodies who have already passed the disease but who, however, have tested positive in this last test.

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