Teller Report

The two most fit teams draw: Milan-Atalanta ends 1-1

7/24/2020, 9:58:11 PM

Rossoneri leading with Çalhanoğlu. Donnarumma saved a penalty from Malinovskyi before capitulating to Zapata. In the second half, Bonaventura's AC Milan goal. Orobici at risk of overtaking Inter in second place. Braking in the Milanese run-up in fifth place


24 July 2020 Parity between Milan and Atalanta, the two teams with the best average points, at the 'Meazza' Stadium in the first advance of the 36th day of the championship. A 1-1 that brings Juventus closer to the ninth championship in a row (5 points ahead of the Orobics before the game against Sampdoria), exposes Gasperini's team to overtaking in second place by Inter (at -2 before 'commitment at home) and brakes the Rossoneri in the run-up to fifth place (the one for direct access to the Europa League groups), occupied by Rome (+1 before receiving Fiorentina).

Without the injured Romagnoli and the disqualified Bennacer, Pioli sets up the usual 4-2-3-1: Donnarumma; Calabria, Kjaer, Gabbia, Laxalt; Kessié, Biglia; Saelemaekers, Çalhanoğlu, Rebić; Ibrahimovic. Gasperini is disqualified, his deputy Gritti on the bench, with the usual 3-4-2-1: Gollini; Toloi, Caldara, Djimsiti; Hateboer, De Roon, Freuler, Gosens; Malinovskyi, Gomez; Zapata. Arbitra Duties of Rome.

Good Atalanta in the start but AC Milan passes: Toloi commits a foul on Rebić, the free-kick is from a very low position, but Çalhanoğlu also finds the direct trajectory on goal that mocks Gollini, for his eighth personal success (14 '). The Rossoneri pushed and Laxalt diagonally forced the Nerazzurri goalkeeper to deviate. At 23 'contrast between Biglia and Malinovskyi in the Rossoneri area, Doveri goes to see the images and decrees the penalty for Atalanta, beats the same Ukrainian midfielder, but Donnarumma rejects the shot from 11 meters. The Orobic draw is only postponed: at 34 'a shot by Freuler is deflected by Gabbia towards Zapata which in the small area strikes Donnarumma: and they are 18. After 2' minutes, an exit by the Milan goalkeeper anticipates the Colombian launched by the Swiss .

Atalanta returns to the strippers with Sutalo for Toloi. And at 57 'Gasperini drops the Muriel card in place of Malinovskyi. The Colombian immediately falls into the shoes of the finisher and invites Gomez to the shot, the ball just wide. At 61 'triple red and black change: Bonaventura for Çalhanoğlu, Krunić for Biglia and Leão for Rebić. At 69 'in Atalanta Pašalić for Freuler and Castagne Gosens; in the ranks of Milan Castillejo for Saelemaekers. Atalanta holds the field very well with its choral game, but the big chance is of the Rossoneri brand with a restart of Leão who sends Bonaventura to the shot with the ball hitting the post (73 '). Teams tired in the final. At 90 'Gasperini calls the' Papu 'to insert Colley. The result does not change despite the 3 'recovery.