Teller Report

Passport case: Alexandre Benalla again indicted

7/24/2020, 5:49:11 PM

Alexandre Benalla & nbsp; was once again indicted in the investigation into his diplomatic passports, this time for & quot; forgery & quot; and & quot; use of forgery & quot;. & nbsp;

Alexandre Benalla was once again indicted in the investigation of his diplomatic passports, this time for "forgery" and "use of forgery". 

Alexandre Benalla, former official at the Elysee Palace, was once again indicted, on February 11, in the investigation of his diplomatic passports, this time for "forgery" and "use of forgery", a- we learned Friday from a judicial source, confirming information from Mediapart. In this case, Alexandre Benalla had already been indicted since January 2019 for "public use and without the right of a supporting document of professional quality".

At that time, he was also placed under the status of assisted witness, intermediary between the simple witness and the indictment, for "breach of trust", "forgery and use of false administrative document" and "improper obtaining of an administrative document" . Her lawyer said she was "very, very happy" with the outcome of this appearance.

What is the objective of this investigation against Alexandre Benalla?

On February 11, the investigating judge in charge of the case therefore decided to also indict him for "forgery and use of false administrative documents". This investigation aims to clarify the conditions under which the former official in charge of the Elysee Palace continued to use diplomatic passports after his indictment in July 2018 for violence during May 1 and his dismissal. Three close collaborators of Emmanuel Macron, including the secretary general of the Elysee Palace Alexis Kohler and his then chief of staff, François-Xavier Lauch, were heard in April 2019 by the judges responsible for this investigation.

François-Xavier Lauch, now deputy chief of staff to the Minister of the Interior Gerald Darmanin, was then summoned as a civil party after filing a complaint against Alexandre Benalla, of whom he was at the time the superior, for a "use forged "to obtain one of these service passports. After having initially affirmed before the Senate to have left them in his office at the Elysee Palace, Alexandre Benalla had admitted having recovered and used these passports, then had returned them.

Several proceedings now open in the sprawling Benalla case

According to Mediapart and Le Monde, Alexandre Benalla used one of his two diplomatic passports to enter several African countries.

Contacted by AFP, his lawyer Me Jacqueline Laffont did not follow up. Several legal proceedings were opened in the sprawling Benalla case, mainly at the Paris prosecutor's office but also at the national financial prosecutor's office (PNF). In addition to the passport file, Alexandre Benalla was also indicted for the violence committed on the sidelines of the May 1, 2018 parade and for the selfie taken with a weapon during the 2017 presidential campaign.

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