Teller Report

Ninety-nine-year-old war veteran recalls the past: listening to the golden horse and iron horse in the depths of the years

7/24/2020, 8:46:28 PM

  Li Changkuan, a ninety-nine-year-old veteran of the Anti-Japanese War, recalls the past of the revolution-   Listen to the golden horse and iron horse in the depths of the years "001 September 15, 1937, the Yongding River fought."   "002 On September 20, 1937, in the Suludong encounter, a Japanese cavalry squad of more than 50 people encountered our regiment. In a fierce battle for 20 minutes...

  Li Changkuan, a ninety-nine-year-old veteran of the Anti-Japanese War, recalls the past of the revolution-

  Listen to the golden horse and iron horse in the depths of the years

"001 September 15, 1937, the Yongding River fought."

  "002 On September 20, 1937, in the Suludong encounter, a Japanese cavalry squad of more than 50 people encountered our regiment. In a fierce battle for 20 minutes, 3 enemies were killed, 2 horses and 3 rifles were seized. The enemy’s view was not good. Flee in the direction of Shijiazhuang."


  Not long ago, I went to visit Li Changkuan, a 99-year-old war veteran, and learned that he had compiled and completed the "Combat Diary Record" that recorded his experience during the War of Resistance. From the afternoon of July 7, 1937, the troops suddenly stopped training and entered a state of alert. To the victory in the War of Resistance in 1945, 110 battle records, ranging from two to three hundred characters to as few as 10 characters, were only marked with the time and battle name. , The background, scale, process and results of the battle are not described. It has been verified that many battles are not documented in historical materials and are rarely known.

  Li Changkuan said that he participated in more than 300 battles in his lifetime, and the more than 100 battles during the confrontation period are still fresh in his memory. He felt that he was very lucky to survive and have lived till now.

  In 1921, Li Changkuan was born in a wealthy family in Shenyang, Liaoning, and lived a comfortable and comfortable life since childhood. However, everything that is good has been changed by the merciless war. In 1931, Japanese militarism brazenly launched the "September 18th" Incident. In just over four months, the entire Northeast was occupied, and Li Changkuan's family began a life of displacement.

  In February 1935, under the introduction of his father, Li Changkuan became an apprentice at the Peking Army Hospital, responsible for taking care of Feng Jiping, a member of the Chinese Communist Party in prison.

  "During the years of taking care of Feng Jiping, his ideals in life and anti-Japanese temperament deeply infected me, like a beacon in the dark, lighting up my life..." Under the subtle influence of Feng Jiping, Li Changkuan slowly From a young man with only patriotic passion, he gradually grew into a determined revolutionary fighter, and began to complete the underground work such as transmitting documents and standing guard under the leadership of the party organization.

  In 1935, Li Changkuan joined the Anti-Japanese Vanguard under the introduction of Feng Jiping. National humiliation is painful to the heart and soul; struggle, and the same hatred. Li Changkuan vowed to revolutionize to the end and drive the Japanese devils out of China.

  On December 9, 1935, the vigorous "December Nine" movement broke out. As the captain of the anti-Japanese vanguard, Li Changkuan, under the leadership of Song Li, secretary of the underground party branch of Northeastern University and commander of the parade, and patriotic students broke through the blockade of the military and police with flesh and blood, and gathered in front of Xinhua Gate. They held high flags and held slogans, and the anti-Japanese slogans resounded through the sky: "Down with Japanese imperialism!" "Fight for the freedom of the motherland!" Inspiring the Chinese sons and daughters to fight the Japanese invaders to the end.

  In early 1936, when the Northeast Army's 647 regiment moved to Xushui County, Hebei Province, Li Changkuan was sent to this regiment by Feng Jiping as a soldier, responsible for the formation of the "Youth Anti-Japanese Vanguard" in the regiment. After more than a year of hard work, Li Changkuan successfully completed the tasks assigned by the party.

  As the years passed, the time and place of many battles gradually blurred in the memory of the old man. Even so, he was still very dear to his first battle.

  After the "July 7" Incident broke out, Li Changkuan followed the Northeast Army 691 regiment led by Lu Zhengcao from Shijiazhuang to the front line of Jizhong, stationed in the areas of Gu'an, Anci, and Yongqing, and built fortifications along the Yongding River embankment to prevent the Japanese invasion from the south.

  At noon on September 15, 1937, more than 10,000 people from the Japanese 6th Division suddenly attacked the Yongding River defense line. Faced with the indiscriminate bombing of more than 20 planes and nearly a hundred artillery pieces, regimental commander Lu Zhengcao commanded the troops to fight for a whole day, repelling multiple attacks by Japanese invaders. In this battle, the third battalion battalion commander Liu Yuqin, deputy battalion commander Wang Deping, company commander Wang Kuanmin and other Communist Party members died heroically in the fierce battle.

  The severity of the battle can only be felt by those who have experienced it. Li Changkuan still remembered that, as a platoon leader of the three battalion heavy machine gun company, he was given the task of "holding his position and not retreating." He still remembered that "the bullet seemed to take care of me very much and it always flew past me", still remembered "that battle, the comrades around me fell down one by one", and still remembered that "Yongding River is so deep, and there is still a smell of blood. "...

  "The bones by the river in Yongding have lasted sixty years. The country is strong and the people prosper, and I miss the people in the tomb." Sixty years later, Li Changkuan missed his comrades in his poem "Mourning the Soul".

  "I have participated in so many battles, except for being stabbed in the left leg by the enemy in a night encounter, I have not suffered any other injuries." Speaking of the bloody past, the old man was very indifferent.

  That night, when the night was as dark as the darkness, when Li Chang Kuan led the company to break through, he encountered a Japanese soldier at an alley, and the two almost collided head-on.

  "I didn't hesitate to take out the shell gun at my waist and shoot at him, and the enemy fell to the ground." Li Changkuan was a little excited, "I killed the devil with one shot."

  "Company commander, your legs are bleeding." After walking for a while, a soldier said in surprise. Li Changkuan touched his left leg wearing thick cotton trousers, and said nonchalantly: "I said why it is so hot, it turns out that I was stabbed by a devil just now." In the flames of war, he had already put his life and death out of the picture.

  Mottled walls, painted door and window frames, faded furniture... After retiring, Li Changkuan led a simple and quiet old life. He likes to play chess, and often goes to the activity room to "kill" two games with other veterans, and must distinguish the winner and loser in the game, and never plays draw.

  "Playing chess is like going to the battlefield. Once you see the opportunity, you must not only dare to fight, but also lure the enemy well, not chaos in the face of danger, and not frightened until you win the final victory."

  Li Changkuan often said that the battles he has experienced have never been "draws", and they all have to fight to the death. "It is really not easy for us to fight the country. Now we must protect the people's country and build it well."