Teller Report

New normality: more traffic accidents although there are fewer trips

7/24/2020, 10:22:29 AM

The special prosecutor of the Road Safety room, Bartolomé Vargas, has indicated that "the accident rate is still present in the new normal". From the confinement release period

The special prosecutor of the Road Safety room, Bartolomé Vargas, has indicated that "the accident rate is still present in the new normal". From the period of exit from the confinement on June 21 until today, the accident rate is similar to that of last year , despite the fact that the flow of traffic has been reduced by 7% daily and by 22% on weekends.

Among the causes of this maintenance of the accident "to the lack of maintenance of the vehicles" . There are more than three million vehicles that circulate without passing the ITV through the established extension to pass it during confinement. In addition, the Spanish car park has an average age of 12.8 years , which does not benefit accidents.

Vargas explained that the forecast now is that "there will be a rebound in accidents" because "we note that there are still excessive speeds and in many cases that inadequate speed has risen ." The special prosecutor of the room has recalled that during the Covid-19 there have been "exhibitionist behaviors with drivers hunted at more than 200 km / h."

This upturn is also based on " a greater use without measure of the private car, " given that people are afraid of getting infected when using public transport. The CIS surveys predict that 85% of Spaniards travel by car to their vacations and that a large majority choose to rest their second residence.

"That is why we have transferred the Civil Guard to extreme controls. Alcohol and drug controls have returned to normal, since during confinement they could not be carried out safely ," Vargas said.

"You have to keep in mind that young people under the age of 34 trivialize car use when they have smoked cannabis," Vargas said.

80,000 convictions in 2019

Last year, 80,480 convictions were passed for the crimes of road safety controls. They account for a third of the total of all convictions for all subjects issued in 2019 in Spain. Of the total convictions for crimes against Road Safety, 48,078 were for crimes of driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs.

About 90% of the penalties were handed down accordingly. 52,028 entailed penalties of deprivation of the right to drive and 1,922 losses of validity of the permit. In addition, there is a prompt fulfillment of a large part of the estimated 55,000 penalties for emulta and 24,001 penalties for work for the benefit of the community.

73% of the complaints were processed by speedy trial.

Prosecutor Vargas is concerned about recidivism. The so-called simple recidivism (the one with a previous sentence not canceled) in driving offenses under the influence of alcohol is estimated at 10%, so that of the 48,070 convicted of this crime, 4,800 would be recidivists. "More worrisome are multi-recidivists who cannot leave that Geneva cup. " Multi-recidivists (three or more previous convictions) would be 2% up to a total of 980 drivers.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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