Teller Report

Kosachev condemned the call of the British shadow minister to revise the license of RT

7/24/2020, 6:13:23 PM

Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs Konstantin Kosachev, in an interview with RT, assessed the appeal of the British shadow minister of culture, digital technology, sports and media Joe Stevens to the executive director of Ofcom media regulator Melanie Daws with a request to reconsider the issue of granting RT a broadcast license in the country.

“First, this appeal absolutely violates all principles of relations between the authorities and the press. The authorities and the press are two completely separate substances from each other. In this case, the British government enters the sphere called the "Press" and tries to dictate its understanding of what is good and what is bad, "the senator said.

Kosachev noted that "under no circumstances should it be allowed" for the British instruments to regulate the press to act at the direction of their authorities.

“If this happens, it will mean that there is no free press in the UK, in principle there is no press, but only power ... that we are not in conditions when the press is free, we are not in conditions when international law is in force, ”he is sure.

The senator also noted that this is a "very principled situation" and expressed the hope that everyone will "equally sharply, tough and consistently react to it."

Earlier, the British shadow minister for culture, digital technology, sports and media Joe Stevens asked the executive director of the media regulator Ofcom Melanie Daws to reconsider the issue of granting RT a license to broadcast in the country.

According to her, the report of the parliamentary intelligence and security committee "clearly outlines the problems that Ofcom already identified in 2018, when a fine of £ 200,000 was imposed on RT."

Earlier, the UK parliamentary committee published a report on "Russian intervention", in which it accused Russia of "cyber attacks" and "dissemination of disinformation." In particular, it is alleged that the RT channel and the Sputnik agency allegedly biasedly covered the referendum on UK membership in the EU in 2016. The Russian Foreign Ministry called the publication "Russophobia in a fake cut."

In December 2018, the results of an investigation by Ofcom were announced, which found that RT violated the broadcasting code in seven episodes. The TV station was fined £ 200,000 for "violating the principle of impartiality."

The Russian Embassy in the UK called Ofcom's actions against RT an attempt to put pressure on the channel's editorial policy.

The Russian Foreign Ministry noted that the amount of the fine raises questions and exceeds penalties against other media outlets accused of inciting hatred and violence.

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