Teller Report

Foreign Minister Mogi visits the UK next month to determine the infection status and go to face-to-face diplomacy

7/24/2020, 9:52:17 PM

[NHK] Due to the global spread of the new coronavirus, entry and exit to and from foreign countries have been restricted, and ministers have not visited overseas in February. This...

Foreign Minister Mogi visited the UK next month to determine the infection status and face-to-face diplomacy July 25, 6:41

Due to the global spread of the new coronavirus, entry and exit to and from foreign countries have been restricted, and ministers have not visited foreign countries last February. Under such circumstances, Foreign Minister Mogi will visit Britain early next month and will engage in ministerial talks to conclude an economic partnership agreement.In the future, he would like to proceed with face-to-face diplomacy with each country while checking the infection situation. ..

Due to the spread of the global infection, Prime Minister Abe has not visited foreign countries for more than half a year since he visited three countries in the Middle East in January, and Foreign Minister Mogi has also been able to visit foreign countries since Germany in mid-February. Is not ...

Against this backdrop, Minister Mogi will visit Britain early next month, and will face ministerial talks with the aim of concluding a new economic partnership agreement between Japan and Britain within the year following Britain's departure from the European Union. It is a policy.

The negotiations are expected to involve close negotiations regarding the timing of tariff elimination on automobiles, which have the highest amount of exports from Japan to the UK, and the handling of British agricultural products.

Although Mogi has had many video conferences with foreign ministers since the spread of the global infection, it is the first time in half a year in Britain that he has visited foreign countries and had talks.

Minister Mogi wants to proceed with face-to-face diplomacy in order to resolve the pending issues with each country while assessing the infection situation in Japan and overseas.