Teller Report

"First Nobel Prize coming out" Chairman Soo-Young Lee, donating the highest amount of KAIST

7/24/2020, 9:22:11 AM

<Oh! You can find out your interests and honest reactions today through social media and internet search terms. Click> Time. A businesswoman in her 80s donated a group of assets to KAIST throughout her life. They donated more than 60 billion won of real estate.

<Oh! Click> Time.

A businesswoman in her 80s donated a group of assets to KAIST throughout her life.

They donated more than 60 billion won of real estate.

<Oh! Click> The first search term is'donate KRW 66.7 billion to KAIST'.

Chairman Lee Soo-young, a real estate company, donated KRW 66.7 billion worth of real estate to KAIST.

This donation is said to be the largest amount since KAIST opened.

President Lee Soo-young said, "I hope that KAIST will be the first Nobel Science Prize winner in Korea."

However, this is the third time that President Lee, who is 83 years old, has donated a large amount to KAIST this year.

In 2012 and 2016, 8 billion won and 1 billion won of US real estate were bequested, respectively.

Chairman Lee Soo-young graduated from Gyeonggi Girls' High School and Seoul National University Law School and worked as a daily reporter.

The netizens said, "Wow~ This is a wonderful person and a wonderful life. I respect you!" "Don't waste money on your country's loving heart!" It showed back reaction.

(Source: KAIST)