Teller Report

84.2% of surveyed college entrance examination candidates are willing to choose new professional experts to remind: Don’t blindly chase the hottest

7/23/2020, 10:49:16 PM

  84.2% of surveyed college entrance examination candidates are willing to choose a new major   Experts suggest that candidates choose new majors not to blindly follow popular   In recent years, as society's demand for artificial intelligence, Internet of Things and other industries continues to increase, many universities have established new majors. Last week, the Social Survey Center of China...

  84.2% of surveyed college entrance examination candidates are willing to choose a new major

  Experts suggest that candidates choose new majors not to blindly follow popular

  In recent years, as society's demand for artificial intelligence, Internet of Things and other industries continues to increase, many universities have established new majors. Last week, the Social Survey Center of China Youth Daily and conducted a survey of 2004 respondents, showing that 91.8% of the respondents are optimistic about the development of new professions. Up to 84.2% of the interviewed college entrance examination candidates are willing to choose a new major.

  Among the interviewees, college students accounted for 43.2%, the current college entrance examination accounted for 41.0%, and others accounted for 15.8%.

84.2% of surveyed college entrance examination candidates are willing to choose a new major

  Peng Jie (pseudonym), a junior computer major in a university in Beijing, plans to choose a major related to artificial intelligence when he plans to enter the postgraduate entrance examination. He found that in recent years, many universities have opened this major, and he hopes to study and research in artificial intelligence.

  "I am concerned that in the past two years, many universities have actively opened new majors, such as network security and robotics." Qu Ying (pseudonym) of a journalism major at a university in Beijing said that her school has also opened big data technology, New majors such as artificial intelligence have received relatively high attention. "I feel that the talent gap for new majors is relatively large, and the future employment prospects will be very good."

  Liu Chun (pseudonym), majoring in data science and big data technology at a university in Beijing, said that when he filled out his application, he knew that this major was newly opened by the school. Considering that the big data industry has developed relatively hotly in recent years, there are more application scenarios. I applied for the exam.

  Data shows that 92.0% of the respondents feel that in recent years, colleges and universities have opened more new majors. 74.5% of the respondents are willing to choose a new major. Among the current college entrance examination candidates interviewed, a higher proportion (84.2%) are willing to choose a new major.

  Tang Zhisong, Dean of the Education Research Institute of Southwest University, believes that the emergence of new majors such as artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, and community work in recent years is a manifestation of colleges and universities adapting to and leading the society, and therefore has greater appeal to candidates.

91.8% of respondents are optimistic about the development of new professions

  "With the development of society, our demand for talents has become more diversified. The establishment of new majors is based on the demand for scarce talents in the development of the country." Qu Ying felt that society has been progressing, new fields and new talent gaps It will always appear, and the establishment of new majors should be normalized.

  In the survey, 91.8% of respondents are optimistic about the development of new professions.

  "For an institution, a new major is'new' after all. How to set up subjects, curriculum systems, and prepare teachers requires a certain amount of time to run in." Qu Ying felt that universities should not set up new majors for the sake of gimmicks. Majors, “Universities are obliged to present new professional discipline training programs and daily curriculum planning to students in a more specific form, so that candidates can comprehensively consider and judge whether they are suitable or not when filling in their volunteers.”

  Liu Chun feels that, compared with traditional disciplines, the student training plan for new majors may not be mature yet. Schools should pay more attention to the needs of the society for this major, and provide students with practical opportunities, combining teaching and practice, so that students can really use it after they finish learning.

  For colleges and universities to open new majors, 73.6% of the respondents suggested that colleges and universities should explore their professional characteristics according to their own characteristics. 69.1% of the respondents suggested that they should pay attention to the needs of the job market and strengthen the integration of production, education and research. 57.3% of the respondents hope not to blindly follow the trend to open , Do a good job in the preliminary research, 46.6% of the respondents suggested establishing a systematic talent training system, and 36.5% of the respondents suggested improving the allocation of teaching resources.

  Tang Zhisong believes that certain software and hardware conditions must be met for the opening of new majors in universities. "On the software, it is necessary to meet the configuration of a full-time teacher for a course, and to ensure that there is a team of teachers competent for the professional core courses. On the hardware, it is necessary to establish a complete, advanced level and able to meet the professional training of students Practice venues and equipment. However, the new majors currently opened by some colleges and universities may be lacking in these two aspects, which will eventually leave the impression of'flickering candidates and parents'."

  Ding Yanqing, an associate professor of the Department of Educational Economics and Management, Peking University School of Education, suggested that candidates should follow their own interests and expertise when choosing a new major, avoid "point-only theory," and don't blindly follow popular trends. "Some new majors, such as artificial intelligence, personally think that the threshold of majors is relatively high. For undergraduates, completing more is the entry level. In addition, the new professional curriculum system offered by some colleges and universities is not perfect. If you blindly The choice is not necessarily helpful to them. Therefore, candidates may wish to start with computer, automation, electronic information, mathematics and other majors at the undergraduate level, and then extend to artificial intelligence majors at the graduate level."

  China Youth Daily·China Youth Daily reporter Sun Shan Du Yuanchun Source: China Youth Daily

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