Teller Report

Worshipers violate precautionary measures in “God’s homes”

7/22/2020, 10:10:31 PM

A field tour revealed to «Emirates Today», in some mosques, that people have committed wrong practices while entering mosques, after partially reopening them on the first of July this year.

A field tour of "Emirates Today" revealed, in some mosques, that people have committed wrong practices while entering mosques, after partially reopening them on the first of July.

The list of violations topped the entrance to the mosque without wearing a muzzle, and not to take a personal prayer rug.

It was noted that people intentionally entered the mosque after the prayer was held so that imams of mosques would not prevent them from entering.

Some people put prayer rugs in light, paper and nylon fabric on the doors of mosques, but the imams of the mosques were quick to remove them, as they contravened the health procedures and the preventive measures set by the relevant health authorities.

To that, the worshipers, Farouk Abdel Wahab, Sadiq al-Saba and Muhammad Mahjoub, indicated that the presence of people in mosques without wearing masks or bringing the prayer rug causes them confusion, and they lose focus in prayer, especially if someone sneezes or coughs spontaneously, as they are Not committed to preventive measures and measures against the Corona virus.

They added that the attendance of these people after performing the prayer disturbed the worshipers who adhere to the health instructions.

They demanded fines imposed on non-conformists, and put up signs outside the doors of mosques to raise awareness of not entering without wearing masks and bringing the prayer mat, in order to preserve public safety and health.

The Grand Muftien, Director of Ifta’s Department in the Department of Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities in Dubai, Dr. Ahmed bin Abdulaziz Al-Haddad, emphasized that health instructions are issued by a competent authority concerned with protecting people from dangers and damages, indicating the need to be taken seriously in application and interaction with them.

He explained that failure to comply with the instructions is a contempt for the system and binding directives, and one exposes himself to systemic accountability.

Al-Haddad added that Islamic law obligated compliance with state orders that concern the interests and protection of people.

He stated that «negligence with precautionary measures makes a person in violation of what God commanded him to obey the guardian, and underestimates his right to himself and the rights of others, and such is not permissible under Islamic law and order.

On the other hand, lawyer and legal counsel, Mansour Al-Mazmi, indicated that entering mosques without wearing masks exposes the person to legal accountability, according to the regulations issued by the Public Prosecutor stipulating the imposition of a fine of three thousand dirhams on those who do not wear the muzzle in public places.

He explained that everyone should respect the controls even in the absence of penalties for violating them, in order to preserve public health and in line with the government’s policy and decisions, and to prevent any decisions that the government will have to make in light of these abuses.

The National Authority for Emergency Management, Crises and Disasters had announced the establishment of precautionary and preventive measures and procedures in mosques, including “reading the Qur’an on the personal or electronic Qur’an, not reading from the Qur’ans in the mosque, bringing a special rug to pray, not leaving it in the mosque, and committing to applying the spacing Physical among the worshipers by leaving a distance of three meters between the worshiper and the other, and not to gather and shake hands.

The Grand Mufti of Dubai:

Islamic law mandated compliance with state orders concerned with the interests and protection of people.

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