Teller Report

WHO named the number of cases of coronavirus in the world

7/22/2020, 10:30:00 PM

The World Health Organization (WHO) has named the number of detected cases of coronavirus infection COVID-19 in the world.

According to statistics on the organization's special website, more than 14.765 million cases of coronavirus have been recorded in the world to date.

The number of deaths of patients with COVID-19 exceeded 612 thousand

Most cases are currently recorded in the Region of the Americas - 7.811 million people.

Earlier, the director of the WHO's health emergencies program, Michael Ryan, said that people "will not begin to receive the vaccine until the first half of next year."

Senior Researcher of the Russian Scientific and Methodological Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS, epidemiologist Oleg Yurin, in an interview with the NSN, assessed the situation with the spread of coronavirus.

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