Teller Report

The Kings and their daughters arrive in Mérida to attend the Theater Festival

7/22/2020, 8:21:00 PM

The kings have traveled to Mérida this Wednesday with their daughters to attend the Classic Theater Festival of this city on their regional tour, in which for the first time they

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The kings have traveled to Mérida this Wednesday with their daughters to attend the Classic Theater Festival in this city on their regional tour, in which for the first time they are accompanied by Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia.

A presence that had not been previously announced officially, since Zarzuela had only advanced that Don Felipe and Doña Letizia would be there.

The members of the Royal Family have arrived past 9:00 p.m. at the Parador Nacional de Turismo in the Extremaduran capital, where they will spend the night once they finish their agenda.

It will therefore also be the first time that the Kings spend the night in the community they visit within their journey of the last month, since the eleven trips prior to the same number of autonomies have been there and back in the day.

The presence of the daughters of the Kings reinforces the message of support that the royal couple intends to convey on this trip to Extremadura, both for cultural tourism and theatrical performances.

Upon arrival at the hotel establishment, they have been received by their managers, while they have received applause from several dozen citizens who have gathered in the surroundings and who have thrown the kings alive.

They were already accompanied by the Minister of Culture and Sports, José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes.

From the Parador Nacional, they will go to the Museum of Roman Art to pay a visit before moving to the nearby Roman Theater and attending the opening of the Classical Theater Festival.

It will be at the museum that the President of Extremadura, Guillermo Fernández Vara, will officially receive them , who will also accompany them in the theater session.

During their tour the kings are supporting institutions and groups of all kinds in the face of the consequences of COVID-19, and in their stop in Mérida they intend to focus that support on the world of culture.

The pandemic is hitting this sector, and the director of the Mérida Festival , Jesús Cimarro, has already assured in an interview with Efe that taking this year's edition forward has been "a heroicity".

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes
  • Infanta Sofia
  • Guillermo Fernández Vara
  • Estremadura
  • theater

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