Teller Report

The CNIL demands that the “irregularities” of StopCovid be resolved

7/21/2020, 2:42:11 PM

The Ministry of Solidarity and Health is "ordered to remedy this within a month"The StopCovid app has been available since the beginning of June. - Thomas SAMSON / AFP The guardian of the private life of the French, the Cnil, on Monday asked the government to resolve “several irregularities” concerning the controversial application of contact tracing StopCovid. The latest version of the application includes "several irregularities", indicates the commission which recently car...

The StopCovid app has been available since the beginning of June. - Thomas SAMSON / AFP

The guardian of the private life of the French, the Cnil, on Monday asked the government to resolve “several irregularities” concerning the controversial application of contact tracing StopCovid. The latest version of the application includes "several irregularities", indicates the commission which recently carried out three control operations.

The Ministry of Solidarity and Health is "ordered to remedy it within a month," she said. Among the irregularities, the CNIL notes that the information provided to users of the application "should be further completed", in particular with regard to the recaptcha, which is the device aimed at preventing "robots" from using the application.

The CNIL calls on the effectiveness of the app

The impact assessment relating to the protection of personal data is also “incomplete” on the data stored, notes the CNIL. It also asks the government to comment on the effectiveness of the application in the fight against the coronavirus epidemic.

StopCovid is controversial, both in principle and in the technical choices made by the government. Its opponents thus consider that it is not sufficiently useful in view of the risks it entails, in particular in terms of sliding towards a society of surveillance.

She keeps a trace of all the people crossed during the last fifteen days at less than one meter. Commissioned in early June while the epidemic was in its descending phase, the application is little used, with a maximum number of users between 1.4 and 1.5 million people, according to a government report on June 23.

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  • Covid 19
  • Society
  • Coronavirus
  • CNIL
  • Government
  • StopCovid