Teller Report

Russophobe on the salary

7/21/2020, 3:36:00 PM

“In fact, of course, the professor went like conversations in a dirty kitchen, because all these conversations about“ federals ”and“ freedom fighters ”- they sounded on NTV every day during the first and second Chechen wars, practically on the air replacing the concept of "terrorist" or "separatist" with a proud "freedom fighters". Well, as for the Russian soldiers who suppress the will to freedom of these fighters - how can you generally sympathize with them? These are the "feds".

When you make mat as the subject of your "research", then sooner or later you begin to deform your personality and you go out to the Russian people with a fresh message: "The Russian language is cloach." It is strange, of course, to hear such a norm of word formation from a "cloaca" from a type of philologist - it simply means not to feel the language in principle. But the fearless professor of the Higher School of Economics Hasan Huseynov does not care about anything - he generally speaks rather clumsily, but he is actively continuing this business. A man loves to wag his tongue.  

One problem: as soon as he opens his mouth in public, it turns out some kind of nonsense. Which causes extreme rejection of a large number of educated, intelligent and honest people. Because, it turns out, our professor is on a purely Soviet-intellectual position.

As scheduled, he hates Scoop, followed by modern Russia, does not hesitate to say nasty things about Russians, because nothing ever happens to anyone for that - Russians do not have their own BLM and a center for defamation cases.

And here he finally agreed to the point that the terrorist attack on Dubrovka was an act of the struggle of one proud republic for freedom. In fact, of course, the professor went like conversations in a dirty kitchen, because all these conversations about “feds” and “freedom fighters” - they sounded every day on NTV during the first and second Chechen wars, almost live replacing the concept of "terrorist" or "separatist" with the proud "freedom fighters". Well, and the Russian soldiers who suppress the will to freedom of these fighters - how can you generally sympathize with them? These are the "feds" ... 

Actually, we suddenly heard this old song, the first performers of which had already served their time in the local zindan and slightly wasted their sympathy for the freedom fighters. 

And suddenly again: as if hearing the call, the old rusty robots began to crawl out of their dumps. Although in the eyes of a healthy person, a hotbed of pro-American leftism - an institution named HSE - is precisely an ideological waste dump, but from the point of view of the Guseinov professors who receive salaries there, this is an excellent position to fight the bloody regime and the dominance of Russians in principle.

As my friend, publicist Petrovsky, says, “Hasan Huseynov's problem is that he is neither an antiquarian nor a philologist. Classical philology is a fairly rigorous humanitarian science, suggesting some intellectual discipline and even nobility. Indeed, Huseynov defended his dissertation on culturology, which is much further from strict and even vulgar Latin and much closer to all kinds of crazy subjects like gender studies. The topic of the respected professor's dissertation is the Soviet mat. "

The mountain covered the mouse. And mice start in different rather untidy places. In places where, under the guise of collecting information for scientific work, an initial survey is being conducted according to Navalny's manuals. Thank God, that auntie has already fled abroad, to the university for which for many years it has been supplying incomprehensibly what kind of information - like “exchange of views”. And only Professor Huseynov always comes out dry. 

“The opinions expressed in personal accounts on social networks by HSE teachers and staff are private and cannot be regarded as the position of the HSE on certain issues,” the HSE press service said last time.

And while social networks are talking about "Gasangeite-2", the professor has already run to complain about the class close "Echo of Moscow". There they will understand him, and embrace him, and warm him. He does the same most important thing: he tells the Russians what kind of cattle and imperial scum they are.

Nobody understands behind the walls of "HSE" and EM, why the hell then Monsieur is fed on Russian rubles. I could proudly refuse.

Throw your salary in the face of all this cattle (in recent years this will turn out to be a rather weighty and very dangerous pack in close combat). The enemy should at least be principled. Otherwise, it's some kind of cowardly rat, not an enemy.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.

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