Teller Report

Pentagon found no confirmation of reports of "payments" to Taliban

7/21/2020, 7:36:06 PM

The Pentagon did not find any evidence that would confirm the existence of an alleged program of payments to militants in Afghanistan from the "Russian special services", as previously reported by the American newspaper The New York Times, citing a source.

This statement was made by Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Hoffman.

“We have not found any supporting evidence that there is any kind of reward program, and therefore we have no supporting evidence that indicates that there were any victims of the alleged reward program,” TASS quoted him as saying.

The Pentagon will continue to study "any information that emerges on this topic," he added.

In June, The New York Times reported that Russia was “rewarding” Taliban fighters * for attacking international coalition soldiers in Afghanistan. The source was anonymous US intelligence officials.

However, later the Pentagon said that the department did not have intelligence and evidence about the "leadership" of the Taliban from Russia.

President Donald Trump, in turn, called the publication a custom stuffing, which has no basis.

The Russian Foreign Ministry called the statements of the American press "unpretentious stuffing", which illustrates the "low intellectual abilities of propagandists from American intelligence."

In addition, the Russian embassy informed that Russian diplomats in Washington and London received threats after this publication.

* "Taliban" - the organization was recognized as terrorist by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2003.