Teller Report

Go to Mars! China's first Mars exploration mission rocket is in

7/21/2020, 2:33:22 PM

  The Long March 5 Yaosi carrier rocket was vertically transported to the launch area on July 17, and it is planned to choose the opportunity to implement China's first Mars exploration mission from late July to early August. With the launch of the rocket, the Mars exploration mission will realize Mars circumnavigation, landing and patrol exploration, taking the first step in China's planetary exp...

  The Long March 5 Yaosi carrier rocket was vertically transported to the launch area on July 17, and it is planned to choose the opportunity to implement China's first Mars exploration mission from late July to early August. With the launch of the rocket, the Mars exploration mission will realize Mars circumnavigation, landing and patrol exploration, taking the first step in China's planetary exploration.

Editor in charge: [Li Yuxin]

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