Teller Report

Abu Dhabi records 22,000 “seat belt violations” within 6 months

7/21/2020, 10:08:27 PM

The Traffic and Patrols Directorate at the Central Operations Sector in Abu Dhabi Police stated that the number of violations of non-compliance with the use of seat belts during vehicle traffic during the period from January 1 to the end of last June amounted to 22 thousand and 162 violations, indicating that the penalty for not fastening the seat belt

The Traffic and Patrols Directorate at the Central Operations Sector in Abu Dhabi Police stated that the number of violations of non-compliance with the use of seat belts during vehicle traffic during the period from January 1 to the end of last June amounted to 22 thousand and 162 violations, indicating that the penalty for not tying the seat belt while driving to the driver and passengers A fine of 400 dirhams, according to Article No. (51) stipulated in the executive regulations amending the Traffic and Traffic Law No. (178).

She called on drivers and passengers to use a seat belt, in order to preserve the safety of all, and to enhance efforts in traffic safety.

The directorate urged drivers to abide by traffic laws and regulations, in order to preserve the safety of drivers and the safety of road users, confirming the continued interest in providing the highest standards of traffic safety, and spreading traffic awareness among drivers.

She explained that the use of seat belts helps avoid most injuries in traffic accidents, and reduces the complications of collisions, in embodying its strategic priority to make the roads safer and safer, and enhancing traffic security and individual safety, and raising the level of traffic culture in society, which contributes to reducing all causes and what It results in deaths and severe injuries.

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