Teller Report

5 Tips for “Comfortable Pregnancy and a Safe Delivery” in Covid-19

7/21/2020, 10:08:44 PM

The period of pregnancy in couples is characterized by great privacy, it is a period full of excitement, happiness and anticipation. Despite this and considering the current situation and the increasing restrictions imposed on our lives while the world is grappling with the epidemic of "Covid-19", pregnant mothers can feel anxious, nervous and some etc.

The period of pregnancy in couples is characterized by great privacy, it is a period full of excitement, happiness and anticipation. Despite this and considering the current situation and the increasing restrictions imposed on our lives while the world is grappling with the epidemic of "Covid 19", expectant mothers can feel anxiety, nervousness, and some fear and tension. To ensure that women are able to easily experience a new pregnancy during this period, a number of precautions must be taken and specific advice followed that helps women protect themselves and their prospective child. Here are a number of steps that are recommended to be followed during this period, presented by Dr. Desislava Markova, Head of Embryo Unit at the IVI Clinic Abu Dhabi.

To view the 5 tips, please click on this link.

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