Teller Report

Botafogo seeks 400,000 euros for Hugo's "experience" with the unit

7/19/2020, 10:33:26 PM

 Brazilian media revealed that Al-Wahda entered into negotiations with the Brazilian club Botafogo to include the young player Hugo 18 years during the current transfer period, pointing out that the Brazilian club wants to agree with Al-Annabi on the financial compensation of the deal, which amounts to 400 thousand euros

Brazilian media revealed that Al-Wahda entered into negotiations with the Brazilian club Botafogo, to include the young player Hugo 18 years, during the current transfer period, pointing out that the Brazilian club wants to agree with Al-Annabi on the financial compensation for the deal, which amounts to 400 thousand euros, Although the unit requested the player to take the test first.

The newspaper "Globo Sport" reported that Al Wahda Club stipulated that Hugo be subjected to experience during the team's training before being formally contracted with, explaining that the Botafogo Club management believes that "Al Annabi" can analyze his level by watching some records.

She added: «Botafogo wants to agree with the unit on Hugo travel to experiment with the team, but on the condition of obtaining 2.4 million Brazilian riyals (400 thousand euros), as the club’s management fears that the unit will reduce the financial compensation in case the player travels to the Emirates, and is convinced to stay with the team Therefore, the Brazilian club wants to agree on a fee first.

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