Teller Report

Imprisonment and deportation for an Asian who stole a villa while the owners were sleeping

7/18/2020, 10:12:15 PM

The Criminal Court in Dubai ruled a year in prison and deportation against an Asian who infiltrated at night to a villa whose owner left the main gate open, then jumped through a window on the first floor other than being closed, and spent 16 minutes inside it during which he stole 8,000 dirhams from the villa of the villa’s wife, in addition to other purposes

The Dubai Criminal Court ruled a year in prison and deportation of an Asian who infiltrated at night to a villa whose owner left the main gate open, then jumped through a window on the first floor other than being closed, and spent 16 minutes inside it during which he stole 8000 dirhams from the villa of the villa’s wife, in addition to other items.

Dubai Police identified the defendant despite his being masked, and upon his arrest the policeman resisted, and the Public Prosecution directed him to commit a misdemeanor of theft at night, and the felony of infringing a public employee from the police apparatus while performing his job.

The owner of the villa, which was stolen, said that he woke up from his sleep and was surprised by electronic messages from the surveillance cameras revealing that a stranger entered the house. He checked the records, and watched the accused enter a masked man and wore gloves at three in the morning from the main gate of the villa is not closed, and then he sneaked through one of the windows He forgot to close it and the cameras spotted him while he was moving on the ground floor and stealing 8000 dirhams from his wife's bag. He also stole an amount from his wallet, but he cannot estimate it.

A witness from Dubai Police said: “Immediately after receiving the report from the villagers, the move was made and the site inspected, and it was revealed through the records that the thief was masked, but his crime was compared to another he committed in the same manner and was not masked in it, which contributed to determining his identity and reaching his residence with the help of Sources".

He added, “I went to the accused’s residence with my colleague, and we showed the military ID as soon as we entered, and we told him that we were among the investigations and wanted to arrest him, but he refused to flee, so I intercepted his way, but he stepped on my feet and pushed me with both hands, but I was able to control him with my colleague, and put the restrictions in his hands And, upon his search, he found 2305 dirhams in possession, and $ 50 he admitted was the result of the theft he committed.

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