Teller Report

Eric Dupond-Moretti responds to criticism on #MeToo and defends Gérald Darmanin

7/17/2020, 6:42:27 PM

Visiting the new Parisian courthouse in the 17th arrondissement this Friday, the Keeper of the Seals Éric Dupond-Moretti affirmed that he did not have "to be ashamed" of his positions with regard to the #MeToo movement. He also invoked the Constitution to recall that a man is presumed innocent until a final conviction. & Nbsp; & nbsp;

Visiting the new Parisian courthouse in the 17th arrondissement this Friday, the Keeper of the Seals Éric Dupond-Moretti affirmed that he should not "be ashamed" of his positions with regard to the #MeToo movement. He also invoked the Constitution to recall that a man is presumed innocent until a final conviction.  

"I don't have to be ashamed of what I thought on these issues." The new Keeper of the Seals Éric-Dupond Moretti had to defend himself on Friday on his positions towards the feminist movement #MeToo, but also the "silence" that the number three of the LR party, Aurélien Pradié, accuses him of on domestic violence. On a visit to the new Paris courthouse in the Batignolles district, in the 17th arrondissement, the Minister of Justice seems to have put on his old lawyer toga, enough time to make his own pleas before the cameras.

>> VIDEOS -  Feminists on the street after the appointments of Darmanin and Dupond-Moretti

"I have always advocated full equality of rights"

"I had flowery language, I can plead guilty, but it was in other functions and I never had sexist language," he said. "Besides, if you take up my statements, I have always advocated total equality of rights. Take back all that I have said for years, I should not be ashamed of what I thought on these questions there ", abounds the minister.

So lawyer, the one who was the adviser of Georges Tron had estimated in January 2019 in an interview with GQ  that "there are also 'follies' in the #MeToo movement who tell bullshit and engage the honor of a guy who cannot defend himself because he is already crucified on social networks. "

>> READ ALSO - Gérald Darmanin appointed to the Interior despite a rape complaint: "It's unheard of"

"Until a final conviction, a man is presumed innocent"

Asked about the Darmanin affair, Éric Dupond-Moretti reminded a journalist present during the visit that he "follows a very small rule in the Republic, a small patch that is called the Constitution and which recalls that a man, as long as he has not been definitively convicted, is presumed innocent. It is true for him, it is true for you too [the journalist, editor's note], it is true for me and that protects us all. "