Teller Report

The Nth "Stray" fire found Iran, Iranian officials: highly alert

7/16/2020, 11:27:04 PM

  The Nth "trick" fire came to Iran, Iranian officials: the relevant departments have been highly alert   [Global Times correspondent Huang Peizhao in Egypt] According to a report by the Iranian Tasnim News Agency on the 15th, a fire broke out in the port of Bushehr in southern Iran that afternoon, and at least seven ships were destroyed. In the last less than three weeks, at least eight such inc...

  The Nth "trick" fire came to Iran, Iranian officials: the relevant departments have been highly alert

  [Global Times correspondent Huang Peizhao in Egypt] According to a report by the Iranian Tasnim News Agency on the 15th, a fire broke out in the port of Bushehr in southern Iran that afternoon, and at least seven ships were destroyed. In the last less than three weeks, at least eight such incidents have occurred in Iran, causing damage to facilities and other important infrastructure related to Iran’s nuclear and missile projects. Iranian officials characterize most of them as accidents, and some people speculate that Iranian hostile forces are systematically destroying Iranian infrastructure and nuclear facilities.

  The report said that Bushehr Province in the southwest has an important Iranian naval base and is the location of the only operational Bushel nuclear power plant in Iran. The nuclear power plant is only 20 kilometers away from Bushehr Port. The nuclear power plant has recently completed major repairs and restoration projects. The relevant department said that the accident did not cause casualties and the fire has been brought under control. Bushell’s director of local crisis management said the cause of the fire will be announced after the investigation.

  Local media said it was the "Nth mysterious fire" in Iran for nearly 20 days. Since the fire broke out at the nuclear facility in Nataz in early July, fires of all sizes have not been interrupted. A few days ago, a fire broke out in a liquefied gas plant in northern Tehran and a place called "Holy City County" in western Tehran, causing a power outage throughout the county. Multiple fires have caused huge explosions, mainly targeting Iran’s industrial facilities, research laboratories, substations, and Islamic Revolutionary Guards’ ammunition depots.

  There are media reports that the saboteurs have targeted the Bushehr nuclear power plant for the next time. To this end, Iran has also strengthened its security and defense. The senior Iranian government official Jahangir Dehan said that the recent explosions and fire accidents suffered by Iran are very frequent. Although these accidents are linked together and there is no basis for thinking through the "conspiracy theory" thinking, the relevant Iranian departments Already highly alert to this, it is considering whether external forces can intervene and deliberately cause these accidents.