Teller Report

The first fashion show in the time of Corona .. with muzzle and spacing

7/16/2020, 10:08:14 PM

There is no hug or even sending kisses in the air, while maintaining enough distance for the social distance of those sitting in the first row, and the muzzles are the champion of the show. Thus was the form of the first prominent fashion show held by the famous Italian fashion house Dolce & Gabbana, the day before yesterday, in an era imposed in it covid spread

No hug or even kisses in the air, while keeping enough distance for the first-class social spacing, the muzzles are the show's protagonist.

Thus was the form of the first prominent fashion show held by the famous Italian fashion house Dolce & Gabbana, the day before yesterday, during an era in which the spread of «Covid-19» imposed new rules on everyone.

The show was held within the framework of the men's fashion week in Milan, while the rest of the shows were held digitally. The outdoor fashion show was attended by a number of guests who put up the masks, while the exhibitors cut the walkway and then stood in a garden, while separating them from each other at least a meter away.

The campus was hosted by the Humanitas Research Foundation, an institution that is trying to develop a vaccine to protect against the emerging corona virus, a project that Dolce & Gabbana is funding.

Designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabana said it took them a long time to decide on the possibility of organizing the show from the ground up, but they wanted to send a message of optimism that Italy, one of the countries that had experienced injuries and deaths, had returned to work again.

The spring / summer 2021 men's fashion show by Dolce & Gabbana in Roccano, south of Milan, drew its colors and designs from the Amalfi Coast and Blue Sea, whose grades appeared in the designs presented by the house.

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