Teller Report

Spain recorded the largest daily jump in the number of "Corona" injuries in more than two months

7/16/2020, 9:42:27 PM

Spain recorded the largest daily jump in the number of new infections of the Corona virus in more than two months, on Thursday, monitoring 580 new cases within 24 hours, up from 390 cases on Wednesday, and Aragon and Catalonia topped the list with regard to the largest number of infections.

Spain recorded the largest daily jump in the number of new infections of the Corona virus in more than two months, on Thursday, monitoring 580 new cases within 24 hours, up from 390 cases on Wednesday, and Aragon and Catalonia topped the list with regard to the largest number of infections.

The authorities have reimposed restrictions in some areas of Catalonia, including home quarantine in the Lleida region, which has affected 160,000 people, and health officials there said that measures will be taken in Barcelona, ​​the capital of Catalonia, without giving further details.

More than 170 outbreaks have sprung up across Spain since the June 21 restrictions were lifted nationwide, and it is one of the most stringent restrictions on public isolation in Europe. Catalonia is the epicenter of the new outbreaks.

The Spanish Ministry of Health stated that the number of confirmed cases of the disease during the past twenty-four hours in the region amounted to 124 cases, up from 91 cases recorded the previous day. In Aragon, in the east, the number of cases jumped to 266 from 160, according to the Ministry of Health. 

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