Teller Report

Second wave threat: Europe tightens anti-Covid measures

7/16/2020, 8:18:04 PM

Several European countries have implemented more drastic anti-Covid measures to counter an increase in contamination and a possible second wave.

Faced with an increase in coronavirus contaminations and the threat of a second wave, the authorities of several European countries have tightened anti-Covid measures.

Overview of the reconfigurations and other measures, such as the wearing of the mandatory mask, decided in recent days in Europe:

>> Read: Covid-19: WHO will not return to normal in the "foreseeable future"

  • Spain

Some 160,000 inhabitants of Lleida and surrounding municipalities in Catalonia (northeast) were reconfigured from July 15. These measures were the subject of a standoff with the justice system, which first suspended them before giving them a temporary green light.

Residents of three neighborhoods in a Barcelona suburb, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, were also asked to stay at home.

>> Read: Covid-19 in Spain: part of Catalonia is being reconfigured after a legal standoff

In this region and many others, regional governments have tightened the screw by strengthening the mandatory nature of the mask, even when the safety distance can be maintained.

  • Portugal

In the Lisbon region, new home confinement since July 1 for 700,000 residents in around 20 neighborhoods. These measures were extended at least until the end of July.

  • United Kingdom

On June 29, the British government reconfigured the city of Leicester (central England), closing non-essential stores due to a local upsurge in Covid-19 cases.

The wearing of the mask becomes compulsory in all stores in England from July 24. This was already the case in Scotland.

  • Ireland

The country was to fully reopen its bars on July 13 but postponed the last phase of deconfinement to August 10, due to a resurgence of cases. Gatherings are limited to 50 people inside and 200 outside while masks are mandatory in stores.

  • France

The wearing of the mask becomes compulsory in all closed establishments open to the public, "in particular shops", from next week.

In the department of Mayenne, which has several homes, the wearing of masks is compulsory since Thursday in enclosed public places in six municipalities, including the prefecture, Laval.

>> To read: France: in which closed public places will it be compulsory to wear a mask?

  • Belgium

Since July 11, wearing a mask is compulsory for anyone aged 12 and over in closed public places (shops, cinemas, libraries, places of worship, etc.). It was previously only taxed on public transport. Due to the slight rebound in infections, authorities have announced no relaxation of assembly restrictions.

  • Germany

In anticipation of a resurgence, the country authorizes reinforced containment measures at the local level with "exit bans" in limited geographic areas. It is a novelty in the country which, until now, had a flexible definition of confinements based largely on self-discipline and good will.

  • Hungary

The country has banned since mid-July access to its territory to nationals of African countries such as South America, most Asian countries and certain European states, citing the worldwide resurgence of cases of coronavirus.

With AFP

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