Teller Report

Lukashenko: Belarusians never kneel before the challenges of the time

7/16/2020, 9:02:58 PM

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko at the opening of the international festival of arts “Slavic Bazaar” in Vitebsk noted that Belarusians “never kneel” before the challenges of the time.

“On this gala evening, I am overwhelmed with feelings of joy and pride for all of us, first of all, for Belarusians, who never got and never kneel before the challenges of the time. An example of this is “Slavic Bazaar”, a festival with a bright, interesting fate, ”the press service quoted him as saying.

Lukashenko noted that, “despite the closed borders” and the threat of a global geopolitical crisis and “redivision of the world”, “the brightest titled artists” from Russia, Ukraine, the former Soviet republics and other states arrived in Belarus.

Lukashenko said earlier that the Belarusian people never knelt before anyone and suffered the right to live in their state.