Teller Report

Lamorgese: accelerate collaboration with Libya, migrant detention centers must be cleared

7/16/2020, 10:10:35 PM

The Minister of the Interior in Tripoli meets with leader Al Serraj. 30 means for border control delivered 

  • Libya. Conte meets al Serraj: solution can only be political, not military


July 16, 2020 The commitment to "accelerate all collaboration activities" between Italy and Libya was assured today in Tripoli by Minister Lamorgese in her talks with Prime Minister Fayez al Sarraj and other representatives of the Libyan government. Desired "a new and more stringent roadmap" to prevent irregular immigration. A goal to be achieved "also through a strategic partnership capable of supporting the action of the Libyan government which has already achieved important results". Today 30 means of controlling land borders were handed over to the government of Tripoli.

In the talks, the Interior Ministry informs, "the need to improve cooperation between the police forces has been shared, through training projects, also in order to strengthen operational capabilities in the fight against networks of migrant smugglers and transnational crime ".

Evacuating migrant detention centers
"Minister Lamorgese reiterated the need to activate evacuation operations for migrants present in centers managed by the Libyan government through humanitarian corridors organized by the EU and managed by UN agencies: IOM and UNHCR". This is what is learned from a note issued by the Interior Ministry after the meeting in Tripoli.

The return of Italian companies is assessed
In the talks in Libya Lamorgese "the topic of the preliminary phases for the return to activity of the Italian companies in Libya was also addressed".