Teller Report

Emirates sends a second medical aid plane to Kazakhstan to support it in the fight (Coved-19)

7/16/2020, 8:17:52 PM

The United Arab Emirates today sent a second aid plane containing 8 tons of medical supplies and testing devices to Kazakhstan, to support it in reducing the spread of the new Corona virus, and more than 8 thousand health care workers will benefit from it to enhance their efforts to contain the spread of

The United Arab Emirates today sent a second aid plane containing 8 tons of medical supplies and testing devices to Kazakhstan, to support it in curbing the spread of the new Corona virus, and more than 8,000 health care workers will benefit from it to enhance their efforts to contain the spread of the virus.

The UAE’s ambassador to Kazakhstan, Dr. Muhammad Ahmed bin Sultan Al-Jaber, said: “The UAE has spared no effort to provide the best health conditions, and to provide medical assistance to support Kazakhstan and enhance its capabilities in facing the repercussions of the crisis caused by the virus.” 

He added: “Kazakhstan is one of the first countries to receive medical aid from the UAE. During the month of April, the UAE sent an aid plane carrying 13 tons of various medical and preventive supplies to Kazakhstan and about 10 thousand medical workers benefited from it, to support them in Countering the emerging coronavirus. "

For his part, the Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the country, Madyar Minelikov, said: "We thank the leadership of the UAE for its great support to Kazakhstan. The bilateral relations that link our two countries are distinguished and solid fraternal relations. We can only overcome this crisis through cooperation and interdependence, and this is what the UAE has proven By providing humanitarian aid to the Republic of Kazakhstan and many other countries. "

It is worth noting that to date, the UAE has provided more than 1069 tons of aid to more than 71 countries, benefiting more than a million medical workers.

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