Teller Report

"Does not exclude that we continue with other water vehicles"

7/16/2020, 8:00:09 PM

Minister of Infrastructure Thomas Eneroth (S) is opening up for a compulsory driving license for recreational boats, but at the same time believes that it is important to prioritize driving licenses for personal watercraft at the moment.

In a response to the consultation, the Swedish Transport Agency has said that the entire segment of high-speed recreational boats should be covered by a general driver's license / boat driver's license, as the problems cannot only be linked to jet skiing.

- I do not rule out that we will continue with other water vehicles, says Thomas Eneroth (S).

The issue of requirements for boat licenses for faster recreational boats has been investigated by previous governments. Among other things, with the proposal for an age limit of 18 years. But it has never come up for a vote in the Riksdag.

- There are of course boat drivers who do not take care of themselves, but it has become such an obvious problem with many who drive jet skis who do not take care of themselves, he says in Aktuellt.