Teller Report

The summer transfer market in England lasts 10 weeks

7/15/2020, 11:38:51 AM

The English Premier League Football Association announced today Wednesday in a statement that the next summer transfer market in England will continue for ten weeks, between July 27 and the fifth of October.

The English Premier League Football Association announced today Wednesday in a statement that the next summer transfer market in England will continue for ten weeks, between July 27 and the fifth of October.
The Association indicated that the summer transfer market will start with the end of the current season's competitions, which were suspended for a long time due to the pandemic of the Corona virus emerging (Covid-19).
England will also see a transfer market for local transfers only for players, between the 5th and 16th of October, during which league clubs will be allowed to sell or buy players only from English clubs.
The association has not announced the date of the start of the new season, but media reports indicate that the competitions will start on September 12th.

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