Teller Report

The most Spanish World Cup, back in Jerez at 36ºC

7/15/2020, 10:10:05 AM

The 2020 World Cup raises the curtain today with the appetizer of some tests at more than 30ºC in Jerez, also the scene of the first two tests of the championship. Strict sanitary measures

The 2020 World Cup raises the curtain today with the appetizer of some tests at more than 30ºC in Jerez, also the scene of the first two tests of the championship. Strict sanitary measures, the reduction of personnel in the paddock and the duel between Marc Márquez , the current champion, and Andrea Dovizioso , recently recovered from an operation on the clavicle, will attract attention at the Ángel Nieto Circuit.

Dorna, owner of the business, has been able to lift a World Cup with 13 confirmed grand prizes, seven of them in Spain and five doubles on the same track. The first events in Jerez will be held on July 19 (Spanish Grand Prix) and July 26 (Andalusian Grand Prix).

According to the approved protocol, the official MotoGP teams will only have 40 workers, almost twice as many as the satellites (25). These figures are further reduced for Moto2 (20) and Moto3 (15). Random tests for the detection of the Covid-19, the interpersonal distance of two meters and the obligatory use of FPP2 masks are intended to replicate the bubble created by Formula 1, which offered such good results in the Red Bull Ring.

"The surveillance will be maximum"

"We are going to be very strict. We have decided to resume the competition because we do it with the highest safety standards. Surveillance will be maximum," said Ángel Charte , MotoGP medical director. Daily checkups in the paddock, looking for possible symptoms, will be combined with preventive isolation of any suspected positive.

On the track, Wednesday's tests will allow two 90-minute runs for MotoGP and a total of three hours of testing, which will also include Moto2 and Moto3. The high temperatures in Jerez, where today a maximum of 36ºC is expected at four in the afternoon, will be a challenge for the riders and their mounts.

"It is important that we adapt to the new way of working so that we do not have any more problems. I am eager and excited to return," said Marquez, a great favorite for the title, which would be the seventh in the top flight and which would allow him to equal the record of Valentino Rossi .

Dovizioso, limping

The Honda leader, who avoided rust with motocross practice, arrives in full physical condition, as the postponement in March allowed him to recover from his right shoulder injury. A situation antagonistic to that of its maximum rival for the crown.

"After the operation on the clavicle I have positive feelings, but until I get on the Desmosedici I will not know exactly where I am," Dovizioso acknowledges. "We will have to adapt to the heat of Jerez and to such a short and intense schedule, it will be more important than ever to be constant and to fail very little," concluded the Ducati rider.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • Marc Márquez
  • Andrea Dovizioso
  • motorcycling
  • sports

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