Teller Report

The first point loss for Linköping - despite the lead twice

7/15/2020, 3:03:20 PM

Linköping's Orji Ebere scored two goals for his Linköping away against Piteå. Despite that, the league leader had to settle for one point. Piteå signed twice. The last on penalty in the final minutes

Trean Piteå directly connected grip on the match against league leader Linköping. And that was kept during the first half of the half when they managed to wash out a handful of rather odd finishes. It was only Julia Karlenäs' shot outside the post bar that raised her heart rate slightly.

After just over 20 minutes, the match turned around completely. Linköping got a corner that almost resulted, when a Piteå defender managed to save on the goal line. For the rest of the half, it was Linköping's turn to arrange goal chances. And it was Frida Leonhardsen Maanum and Uchenna Grace Kanu who created the most chaos in the home team's defense.

In the last minute of the half, Orji Ebere finally nodded a corner up in the crossbar and down inside the goal line behind Guro Pettersen. 1-0 was a fair halftime score.

Early receipt

Piteå took care of the baton also in the second half. Much thanks to Fernanda Da Silva who was a vitamin injection. Already after four minutes, the equalizer came after a header duel out in the penalty area that left Nina Jakobsson free with an open goal from distance. She shot towards the open goal and Cajsa Andersson almost caught the ball.

A few minutes later the ball was shaking on Linköping's goal line but it was cleared away at the last minute.

Despite Piteå's dominance, it was Linköping who got the next goal. The team was slowly gnawing into the match again when they got to a very nice attack after a quarter that ended with another goal by Ebere on a pass from Johanna Alm. The goal meant that Orji Ebere went up to a shared shooting league top in the Allsvenskan with five goals in four matches.

Piteå got the last word

Just like in the first half, Linköping took over the match and the team had a couple of decent opportunities to extend the lead. Piteå was not harmless but stuck up from time to time in decent counterattacks. Da Silva had a hard shot that Cajsa Andersson had to stretch and hit the corner.

Piteå's final forcing finally resulted in an unexpected way when a Linköpingsback cleared the ball straight to the hand of a colleague in the 88th minute. The penalty shot Julia Karlenäs safely in goal.

CLIP: Unknown gift - Piteå received half a million (July 3, 2020)

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Piteå's ladies have received an anonymous gift of SEK 500,000 Photo: Bildbyrån