Teller Report

The day before yesterday, overseas aid Leonardo joined Luneng in the new season and will wear a No. 20 jersey

7/15/2020, 2:05:57 AM

Screenshot of Shandong Luneng's official Weibo.   China News Service, July 15th, on the evening of the 14th, Super League team Shandong Luneng announced that the day before yesterday, overseas aid Leonardo joined the team. In the new season, he will wear a No. 20 jersey to represent the club in the Super League.   Luneng Club wrote: "After consultation with the players themselves, Leonardo Rodri...

Screenshot of Shandong Luneng's official Weibo.

  China News Service, July 15th, on the evening of the 14th, Super League team Shandong Luneng announced that the day before yesterday, overseas aid Leonardo joined the team. In the new season, he will wear a No. 20 jersey to represent the club in the Super League.

  Luneng Club wrote: "After consultation with the players themselves, Leonardo Rodriguez Pereira completed the transfer procedure on July 14, 2020 and officially joined Shandong Luneng Taishan Football Club."

  Earlier, the Tianjin Football Association sent a letter to refute the rumor that “setting up barriers and prohibiting the transfer of Qiantianhai players”. In the announcement, the Tianjin Football Association said that foreign aid Leonardo had transferred to Shandong Luneng.

  Leonardo Rodriguez Pereira was born in 1986 and is a Brazilian football player who plays in the midfield. He has played for Beiquan Hyundai, Tianjin Tianhai and other teams. (Finish)