Teller Report

Mohamed Salah is on a date with a historic number in Liverpool .. Can he?

7/15/2020, 2:44:51 PM

The Egyptian star Mohamed Salah needs one goal to become the first player in Liverpool club since the previous player Roger Hunt in the 1965-1966 season, and the fourth only in the history of the club, which scores 20 goals in the English Premier League during three consecutive seasons.

Egyptian star Mohamed Salah needs one goal to become the first player in Liverpool club since the former player Roger Hunt in the 1965-1966 season, and only the fourth in the history of the club, which scored 20 goals in the English Premier League during three consecutive seasons.

The club's official website said on Wednesday: "Mohamed Salah seeks to achieve a new historical number during his participation with the Reds in tonight's match against Arsenal, at the Emirates Stadium in round 36 of the English Premier League," adding that "the Egyptian star will record the 150th appearance with the team." In all competitions. "

Could Muhammad Salah (19 goals) score today and continue approaching Leicester striker Jimmy Vardi, who leads the top scorer with 23 goals three rounds before the end of the competition?

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