Teller Report

Known Swedish doping cases through the ages

7/15/2020, 1:47:57 PM

Wrestler Jenny Fransson is suspended for four years for doping offenses. A number of Swedish athletes have over the years been suspected of or suspended for doping. Here are some of the most notable cases:

Jenny Fransson:

On February 3 this year, the Swedish Wrestling Federation announced that the qualified wrestler had tested positive for the anabolic steroid methyltestosterone. While waiting for the B-test, which was also positive, the 32-year-old lost his place in Sweden's Olympic squad and was also eliminated from the European Championships in Rome. Fransson first claimed that she had been sabotaged and that someone had prepared her water bottle, but this has not been proven. Her representative Mats Larsson is critical of the verdict and says that they should appeal.

Meraf Bahta:

Before the European Championships 2018, the news came that the runner had made three mistakes in his stay reporting. An investigation was launched and eventually she was suspended for a year. In September 2019, she was free to start competing again.

Abeba Aregawi:

The running star was tested positive in January 2016 for the heart medicine meldonium, which was recently banned. She missed the selection for the Olympics but was later acquitted due to ambiguities about the rules. In January 2017, she got the go-ahead to compete for Sweden again.

Adil Bouafif:

Long-distance runners who at the European Championships in Zurich in 2014 submitted a positive doping test with traces of epo. Closed until September 22, 2016.

Andreas Gustafsson:

The pedestrian left a sample with traces of epo in December 2014 in the USA. Shut down for two years until March 2017.

Nicklas Bäckström:

The hockey player got stuck in a doping test before the Olympic final in Sochi in 2014 due to his allergy medicine. It ended with a reprimand, but he missed the Olympic final.

Niklas Lindstedt:

Bullet impactor that tested positive in 2014 for an unauthorized dietary supplement. Suspended for six months by RF, and in addition six months in the national team.

Ludmila Engquist:

Ran home Olympic and World Cup gold before the hurdles runner got stuck in a doping test when she invested in a career as a bobsled star in 2001.

Göran Svensson:

Took four Swedish Championship golds in discus. In 1985, he was suspended for 18 months for doping.

Tomas Johansson:

The wrestler was stripped of his Olympic silver from 1984 after being tested positive for anabolic steroids the same year. Shut down for 18 months.

Linda Haglund:

The sprinter tested positive for anabolic steroids in 1981 and was shut down for a year and a half.

Ricky Bruch:

The successful discus thrower admitted after his career that he doped himself with anabolic steroids.

CLIP: Jenny Fransson suspended for four years for doping offense (June 25, 2020)

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Jenny Fransson during the European Championships in June 2019.