Teller Report

FIFA extends the application of the 5 substitution rule until the summer of next year

7/15/2020, 4:14:57 PM

FIFA announced today, Wednesday, the application of the rule to allow clubs to make five substitutions per game until the summer of 2021, to help teams adapt to the intense match schedule due to the outbreak of the new Corona virus. FIFA indicated today that

The International Football Association (FIFA) announced today, Wednesday, the continuation of the rule allowing clubs to make five substitutions per game until the summer of 2021, to help teams adapt to the intensified match schedule due to the outbreak of the new Corona virus.
FIFA indicated today that the International Federation of Football Association (IFAP), the body that determines the laws of the game, made this decision after a comprehensive review "that included stakeholders' comments and an analysis of the impact of the Corona virus on competition schedules."
Teams can now make five substitutions in competitions until July 31, 2021, and in international events that take place in July and August 2021.
The list - which is still temporary - was introduced for the first time to help clubs cope with pressed schedules and relieve pressure on players as many have completed Of the tournaments or is currently completing its activities for the 2019 - 2020 season after a long comment due to the epidemic.
"Some of the competitions that have resumed in 2020 may have a shorter recovery period than usual before the start of the next season," FIFA said.
 "For many competitions, the 2020-2021 season will include matches played in compressed schedules due to late start and inability to finish later than usual due to the major international tournaments," FIFA added.
Viva concluded his statement by saying, "It is up to the national federations to decide whether to implement the regulation in their competitions."

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