Teller Report

100% of the government’s employees return to their workplace next Sunday

7/14/2020, 12:14:51 PM

Dr. Tariq Sultan bin Khadim, Head of the Human Resources Department in Sharjah, confirmed during his intervention via the direct line that starting from next Sunday, the working time will be 100% in all departments, bodies and institutions of the Sharjah government, and the owners of chronic diseases and service personnel are excluded from the decision

Head of the Human Resources Department in Sharjah, Dr. Tariq Sultan bin Khadem, confirmed during his intervention via the direct line that as of next Sunday, the working hours will be 100% in all departments, bodies and institutions of the Sharjah government, and the owners of chronic diseases and service personnel are excluded from the decision.

He added that the Sharjah government today has departments that operate 100% and provide their services naturally, in order to facilitate the customers and continue to provide government services.

And that the Corona pandemic transformed most departments and institutions to work remotely in order to maintain public safety and the safety of employees and customers, indicating that the services of the Sharjah government continued to serve the public according to best practices followed remotely.

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