Teller Report

Public Interest Commissioner of Minimum Wage, 1.5% increase proposal... Group exit from Korea Federation of Trade Unions

7/13/2020, 4:30:19 PM

On the 14th, public interest members of the Minimum Wage Commission suggested plans to raise the minimum wage for next year by 1.5% from this year. At the 9th power meeting held at the Sejong Government Complex at the dawn of the day by the Minimum Wage Commission, public interest committee members, including Chairman Park Joon-sik, made a 1.5% increase in the minimum wage for next year.

On the 14th, public interest members of the Minimum Wage Commission suggested plans to raise the minimum wage for next year by 1.5% from this year.

At the 9th power meeting held at the Sejong Government Complex at the dawn of the day by the Minimum Wage Commission, public interest committee members, including Chairman Park Joon-sik, made a 1.5% increase in the minimum wage for next year.

This is the lowest rate of increase since 1988, when the nation's minimum wage system was first implemented.

The amount raised by 1.5% from the minimum wage of 8,590 won this year is 8,720 won.

Considering that public interest commissioners are leading the deliberation of minimum wages, it is certain that the minimum wage for next year will be decided according to the public interest committee.

Five members of the Workers' Union recommended by the Korean Federation of Trade Unions (Korea Federation of Trade Unions), who have participated in the deliberation of the minimum wage, rebelled within the public interest committee and left the group.

(yunhap news)