Teller Report

Former Lotte arrest for Jackson pitcher suspected of possession of cannabis

7/10/2020, 7:18:06 AM

[NHK] Jackson pitcher who belonged to Lotte, a professional baseball player, was arrested by police for possessing cannabis at home, and Naoki Matsumoto baseball team…

Former Jackson arrester of Lotte arrested suspected of possessing cannabis Team manager headed Chen Xie July 10 16:12

In response to the arrest of Jackson, a professional baseball player and Lotte, who had marijuana at home, Naoki Matsumoto, the head of the baseball team, held an interview saying, ``I'm annoying baseball fans and baseball fans. I apologize for that."

Although he had joined Lotte from this season, the pitcher Jackson, whose contract was canceled on the 9th, was arrested by the Hiroshima Prefectural Police on the suspicion of violating the cannabis control law on the 10th morning.

In response to the investigation, pitcher Jackson is withholding approval and disapproval as "I do not want to talk about anything".

Following the arrest of pitcher Jackson, Lotte's Matsumoto team general manager met at the ZOZO Marine Stadium in Chiba City on the afternoon of the 10th, "I am very sorry for the great inconvenience to the baseball world and baseball fans. I myself take responsibility. I feel it."

According to Mr. Matsumoto, after pitching the match on the 7th of this month, Jackson pitcher contacted the team saying "there is a policeman at his house," and Mr. Matsumoto and an interpreter of the team asked the Hiroshima Prefectural Police to search for his house. I was there.

And before the next day's match, he asked to leave the club and Jackson said, "I'm sorry to bother you while the team entered the season in good shape."

In the future, the baseball team will conduct a urine test for all athletes, leaders, and staff to confirm the use of drugs, and strengthen the drug prevention training for foreign athletes.

Pitcher contributed to the league's third straight title as a relief for Hiroshima for three years until his adulthood, and this season when he joined Lotte, he has pitched seven games so far, earned three holds, one save, and had an ERA of 3.86.