Teller Report

Wearing a mask is not "contrary to the Catholic creed"

7/8/2020, 4:06:13 PM

Agnès Cerighelli, former municipal councilor of Saint-Germain-en-Laye, excluded from LREM in 2018, denounced in an Instagram post the obligation to wear a mask in churches

Wearing a mask is now compulsory in French churches - Mathieu Pattier / SIPA

  • A former LREM elected official assures that wearing a mask in churches is contrary to the Catholic creed.
  • These are compulsory during religious services for people aged 11 and over.
  • No religious principle prohibits the wearing of the mask in the Catholic religion, as recognized by the dioceses. 

Would wearing a mask in a church be contrary to the values ​​of Catholicism? In any case, what Agnès Cerighelli says in an Instagram post that went viral in a few days.

Based on the photo of a masked altar boy, the former elected representative of the opposition in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, sentenced last February for homophobic comments made on social networks, writes: Minister of the Interior and of French cults goes beyond his prerogatives by imposing the wearing of masks on bishops, priests, altar servers and parishioners. Wearing a mask is contrary to the Catholic creed. A follower of Christ does not hide his face, ”assures the one who was dismissed from LREM in 2018.

View this post on Instagram

The Minister of the Interior and Religious Affairs 🇫🇷 went beyond his prerogatives by imposing the wearing of masks on bishops, priests, altar servers and parishioners. Wearing a mask is contrary to the #Catholic creed. A follower of Christ does not hide his face. #nonaumasque

A post shared by Agnès Cerighelli (@agnescerighelli) on Jul 5, 2020 at 6:11 am PDT


Since May 23, the date of resumption of religious services in France, the wearing of masks is now compulsory for all persons aged 11 and over in all places of worship without exception. A decision contained in a decree of May 11, 2020 relating to deconfinement and for health reasons, as explained by the "general recommendations" of the Ministry of the Interior.

“Ceremonies of worship constitute gatherings or meetings likely to expose their participants to a risk of contamination, which is all the higher as they take place in an enclosed space, of limited size, for a significant period of time, with a large number of people, whether accompanied by prayers recited aloud or songs, ritual gestures involving contact, travel, or even exchanges between participants, including on the sidelines of the ceremonies themselves "Explains the Ministry of the Interior.

"The church is not above the law"

But in churches, nobody questions the wearing of the mask by invoking religious questions. In a letter sent from May 11 to pastoral actors, Mgr Jean-Louis Papin, bishop of the diocese of Nancy and Toul, stated as follows:We are not alone in these constraints. No one knows better than everyone else. We must remain humble. "

If the rules have evolved in churches since the beginning of deconfinement, wearing a mask remains essential, as recalled by the diocese of Paris on June 26 on its website.

“No new decree has come to modify that of May 11, taken up by that of May 31, concerning places of worship. On the other hand, the rule which requires respecting an individual area of ​​approximately 4 square meters per person […] is no longer binding, but the distance of one meter between people and the wearing of the mask remains mandatory ”

“Wearing a mask is compulsory and the church is not above the law. This woman speaks only in her name ”, also ensures another diocese questioned on the subject by 20 Minutes.  Contrary to what Agnès Cerighelli asserts, there is therefore no religious principle which would prohibit the wearing of the mask in a church.


No, this woman was not beaten and kidnapped by George Floyd, as a Facebook post suggests


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  • Religion
  • Society
  • Fake Off
  • Catholicism
  • Coronavirus
  • Church

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