Teller Report

The world honors Ennio Morricone

7/6/2020, 11:42:12 AM

Many prominent filmmakers have responded to the passing of Italian composer Ennio Morricone. Quentin Tarantino, Hans Zimmer and Peter Birro, among others.

Ennio Morricone made the music for Quentin Tarantino's western movie The Hateful Eight (2015) and the American director calls him "MAESTRO MORRICONE" on Twitter and writes (freely translated) that "The film world will be less without you, rest in peace"

British Baby Driver director Edgar Wright writes about Morricone's music: "It could make a regular movie a must see, a good movie for art and a fantastic movie for a legend".

Acclaimed by Zimmer

German composer Hanz Zimmer, also a giant in film music, tells the BBC that he is saddened by the message.

 - Ennio Morricone was an icon and icons do not disappear. And it wasn't just his spaghetti western music, just think of The Mission (1986) and Once Upon a Time in America (1984).

 - He has meant a lot to me. Harmonica - A Revenge (1968) was the first movie I saw and when I heard that music and saw the pictures I knew this is what I want to do, says Hans Zimmer.

"A true legend"

Swedish scriptwriter Peter Birro praises Morricone with several posts. Among other things, he writes: “Grazie Maestro. A true legend has left mortality. But his amazing music is always left in the soundtrack to my life ”.

The British Film Institute honors Morricone on Twitter, noting that he was awarded six Bafta awards during his long career.

Italian Minister thanks Morricone

Tributes also come from politicians. Italian Health Minister Roberto Speranza writes on Twitter, “Goodbye Maestro. Thank you for all the feelings you gave us ”.

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